Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well today is the day, this time last year I had gotten off the plane and was suffering jet lag quite badly. So what marks today so special? Three things actually,
1. Dads birthday
2. Host fathers birthday.
3. My return hone from beloved japan.

I remember vaguely returning home. I remember how anxious I was to see my family and friends. But I more clearly remember the depression I have suffered from the whole effect of returning.
Many things ran through my weakened mind earlier on in the year, some of which were meaningless thoughts, they ultimately caused me to become home sick and I still feel a but of it now.
I'm constantly thinking of japan and how I plan to return thus year in December. To be honest I'm nervous and anxious to see everyone again, a sickening feeling but excited feeling that affects your whole body purely fueled by your emotions.

My love for japan and the people I met there is endless. My feelings stand that I believe I could have finally broken the communication barrier if I had of had another year. A year is short, but I cherish what I had and I plan to show them how much I really do love them. Friends for life whom I made memories for life with.

I don't get so down thinking of japan anymore, but I still feel strongly towards it. I believe part of my drive is to complete year 12 to to the best of my ability and reward myself with the opportunity to learn what japan is to me. A chance to return to my 2nd life.
I will keep my chin held high and I'll continue working hard!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A new start

With a new start to year 12 I have decided to get rid of the crap on my blog, and believe my the stuff that was there was childish immature rubbish, and hence bring around a new face to my blog.

Throughout year 12 I aim to blog about my adventures, hardships, dramas and of course study material and so on. What I wish for people reading my blog is that they read it and make their own opinions from what I say.
It is every ones right to their own opinion and I feel that everyone also has the right to interpret what I say in their own way.

Comments are welcome to be written and I'm happy for you to be friends with me ;D

Year 12 bring worry to many of us. On my first day back I felt strange. I kept looking around waiting to see a familiar older face, and then you realise well hey that's me now, I'm the one people are looking at going "She is year 12". It`s easier said then done I guess with year 12 but I can`t help but feel it is a bit exaggerated. We think "OMG YEAR 12 -dies-" But in all honesty the only difference is that we are infact studying for our last year, making the last of our memories, taking the first steps into `Adulthood`. Its a big step in life but that is why we study so much in our younger years to prepare us for Year 12. This year, my fellow year 12`s, lets show them what we are made of, what we can accomplish and most of all live it to the max because after this, their isn't anymore school. No more teachers to guide us, no more homework sheets, no more hierarchy in year levels and no more uniforms amongst many more things.

They say "  don`t wish away your life because you`ll regret it one day."  So though we are all anxious to get out of school don't wish these days away or you may regret it in the future. 

Cheers everyone :)